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Same Day Delivery In Adelaide

Adelaide Same Day Delivery


Attention local people of Adelaide! Want your order on the ASAP? If you live in Adelaide and you want your order today, we have partnered with Sherpa to offer a same day delivery option just for you! Simply add all the items you want to your cart, head to checkout and add your details then choose the 'Delivery' option. Here you will see all delivery options including 'Same Day Delivery within 2 Hours' and 'Same Day Delivery within 4 hours'

Deliveries are available 5 days a week to residential or business addresses. (No PO Boxes).

If you cannot see any same day delivery options, you may be outside the same day delivery radius. Please contact us and we can check for you.


How to order same day delivery:


  1. Add all items to your cart
  2. Go to checkout
  3. Enter your delivery details and choose 'Delivery'
  4. Choose your same day delivery option (within 2 hours or within 4 hours)
  5. Proceed to payment and choose your desired payment method
  6. Once we have received your order, we will get it ready straight away and the courier will collect it within 30 minutes
  7. Depending on which option you chose, you will receive your delivery within a 2 hour window or 4 hour window (after pickup)
  8. You will receive a tracking number from the courier (Sherpa) to track your parcel while it's on its way to you
  9. Please note - we automatically select Authority To Leave on all same day delivery parcels. If you do not answer the door at the time of delivery, the driver will leave it somewhere safe on your premises.


Same day delivery fine print:


  1. Same day delivery orders must be placed over the website
  2. Please read the same day delivery option you are choosing very carefully, if the window has passed for the day, it may show you a delivery option for the next day
  3. Delivery charges are calculated according to the travelling distance from our warehouse to your location
  4. Delivery of your order will occur within 2 hours or 4 hours of pickup, depending on which option you have chosen
  5. Deliveries must be made to residential or business addresses. (No PO Boxes)
  6. Charges for same day delivery service is not associated with any free shipping promotions
  7. If for any reason the Sherpa delivery driver cannot deliver your order and the driver returns it to the warehouse. You will be charged the return fee. Failed deliveries may include entering the wrong address into checkout or not being home at the time of delivery with no safe place for the driver to leave the parcel on your premises.
  8. Deliveries are dependant on couriers available to complete the delivery, if no one accepts the delivery, we will contact you to let you know the next steps
  9. Deliveries cannot be edited or cancelled once they have been accepted by a driver


How much is same day delivery?


Pricing depends on your distance from our warehouse in Salisbury Plain. Please add the items you want to your cart and head to checkout to view delivery prices to your suburb. Don't forget you can also collect your order in person for free!


*Please note - Same day delivery is not guaranteed for all orders. 90% of same day delivery requests are executed without a hitch however, if there are any delays due to weather events, main event days or peak periods, this is unfortunately out of our control. If we encounter any issues with an order requesting same day delivery, we will contact you within 90mins, giving you time to make alternate 'shipping' or 'click and collect' changes to your order.