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Image of four people in costumes. Each person is dressed as Shrek, Captain Marvel, a medieval man, and Maleficent. Next to the people is the text ' 2018 book week costumes for teacher'.
16 February 2024 | Posted in:  Book Week |

2018 - Teachers Book Week Costume Ideas

Teachers Book Week Costumes for 2018 – Find Your Treasure 


Don’t let the kids have all the fun this Book Week! Shop at Heaven Costumes for a wide range of popular Teachers Book Week costumes for you to get dressed up in, get involved and show your students how it’s done! With our help you’ll be able to “Find your Treasure” with your favourite classic or more modern storybook characters.

Who doesn’t love a good pirate story? We have a wide range of adult pirate costumes in stock that will be perfect as a teacher’s book week costume, whether you want to dress up as Black Beard, Captain Hook, the Dead Pirate Roberts, and more!


Image of a man wearing a grey and black pirate costume.Image of a woman wearing a pirate costume dress.Image of a man wearing a pirate costume.Image of a woman wearing a red pirate costume.



Don’t like pirates? No worries! We have a great collection of more traditional fairytale costumes for adults available, ranging from classic Princesses and Princes, to the Big Bad Wolf if you’re feeling more villainous…… or famished!


Image of a woman wearing a Snow White costume.Image of a person wearing a Big Bad Wolf costume.Image of a woman wearing a Little Red Riding Hood costume.Image of a man wearing a fairytale king costume.


Love Dr Seuss or Roald Dahl? We also stock a selection of adult counterparts for the kids range, so you can show off your passion for these classic childrens’ authors just as much as your students, and make Cat in the Hat or the BFG your teacher’s book week costume idea for 2018.

An image of a man wearing a Cat in the Hat costume.An image of a man wearing a Fantastic Mr Fox costume.



Want to dress up as a more modern character? Impress your class of wizards with an excellent adults Harry Potter costume or challenge your students to survive until home time with a Katniss Everdeen fancy dress outfit! Or just let it go and become everyone’s favourite singing ice princess Elsa, or the layered-like-an-onion Shrek! Your students might be surprised to learn that these amazing characters indeed come from or are inspired by books, and therefore totally count as teacher’s book week costumes!

An image of a man dressed up as Harry Potter wearing a Gryffindor costume robe.An image of a woman dressed in a Katniss Everdeen costume.An image of an adult wearing a Shrek costume and mask.An image of a woman dressed in a blue costume dress that looks like Elsa from Frozen.



Comic books are full of amazing and inspirational characters that are also ideal as a teachers’ book week costume idea for 2018. We have a vast variety of women’s and men’s superhero and villain costumes for you to choose from, with classic DC and Marvel heroes like Batman, Supergirl and Captain America, to the amazing She-Ra!! The possibilities are endless!




Whether you’re after a more classic Teachers Book Week Costume or a more modern character dress up outfit to wear for the 2018 Book Week celebrations, Heaven Costumes has got you covered!

 Image of four people dressed as Tweedle-Dee, the Mad Hatter, Maleficent, and a Frog Prince with the text 'Teachers Book Week Costumes - show the kids how it's done".


© Heaven Costumes 2018