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Rocky Horror Picture Show Costumes and Accessories

Step Into the Time Warp with Rocky Horror Costumes

Discover the ultimate collection of Rocky Horror Picture Show costumes, exclusively at Heaven Costumes Australia. Perfect for every movie character dress-up party. Our selection provides an exciting opportunity to embody your favourite character from the iconic film. From the eccentric Frank-N-Furter to the loyal Magenta, Riff Raff, and the vibrant Columbia, our licensed range covers all the bases. [more]

Experience Antici-pation Like Never Before

Ready to own the spotlight and bring the timeless charm of the Rocky Horror Picture Show to life? Our collection is designed to have you shaking with antici-pation. With a collection like ours, finding the perfect Rocky Horror costume is more enjoyable than ever.

For our dedicated customers in Adelaide, Heaven Costumes introduces a virtual walk-in store experience. Located in Salisbury Plain, you can seamlessly browse our online array and collect your choices on-site. Combining convenience with a personal touch, shopping for your next costume event has been revolutionised.

At Heaven Costumes, we pride ourselves on our extensive selection of licensed character costumes, including coveted tv and movie costumes like the Rocky Horror Show outfits. Our commitment to quality, affordability, and unparalleled customer service sets us apart.

Explore Our Rich Selection

Whether you’re on the hunt for the sultry Magenta Rocky Horror costume, the distinctive Frank N Furter outfit, or any other Rocky Horror characters, our range is unmatched.

Prepare to dazzle at your next dress-up event with a pick from our Rocky Horror costume collection. Shop now and transform into your favourite character with ease and confidence.

At Heaven Costumes, we celebrate the spirit of dressing up and invite you to join us in this continuous party. Don’t just dream it, be it.